Ada Selina Mary Geddes

Sandra J. Wilson
1956 -
Sandra J. Wil…
Susan M. Tyree
1989 -
Susan M. Tyre…
Archibald S. Wilson
1903 - 1992
Archibald S….
Ada M. Smith
1905 - 1980
Ada M. Smith…
Kevin E. Tyree
1954 -
Kevin E. Tyre…
Arch E. Wilson
1933 - 1980
Arch E. Wilso…
Deirdre M. Speight
1932 -
Deirdre M. Sp…
Edward Smith
1870 - 1946
Edward Smith…
Ethel E. Geddes
1874 - 1952
Ethel E. Gedd…
Edward H. Smith
1899 - 1976
Edward H. Smi…
Edward H. Smith
1897 - 1898
Edward H. Smi…
Ethel H. Smith
1899 - 1900
Ethel H. Smit…
Norah J. U. Boxshall
1893 - 1973
Norah J. U. B…
Arthur J. Geddes
1876 - 1942
Arthur J. Ged…
Ada S. M. Geddes
1871 - 1917
Ada S. M. Ged…
Alfred A. Geddes
1870 - 1945
Alfred A. Ged…
Herbert H. Geddes
1880 - 1941
Herbert H. Ge…
Ellen C. Helm
~1896 - 1951
Ellen C. Helm…
John H. Geddes
1839 - 1926
John H. Gedde…
Martha Mirk
1842 - 1926
Martha Mirk…
Alexander Geddes
1805 - 1875
Alexander Ged…
Helen McMillan
1801 - 1873
Helen McMilla…
Andrew T. Mirk
1815 - 1848
Andrew T. Mir…
Mary Cumine
~1814 - 1850
Mary Cumine…
Daniel Blue
1868 - 1906
Daniel Blue…
Mavis G. Blue
1897 - 1971
Mavis G. Blue…
Ethel S. Davie
1879 - 1985
Ethel S. Davi…
Joan Wilson
Joan Wilson
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I haven’t managed to come across a photo of Ada so far - if anyone has any ideas of where to look I would love suggestions! I’ve also made a playlist of some of the songs Ada used to sing, so feel free to play it in the background while you read!

Birth & Emigration to New Zealand

Ada Selina Mary Geddes was born in 1871 in Maldon, Victoria, Australia to parents John Haining Geddes and Martha Geddes (née Mirk), who were originally from Scotland.1 Ada was baptised on the 6th of August in 1871 at the Methodist Church in Maldon, Victoria, Australia.2 Ada was the second of five children. While her family lived in Australia, her father worked as a cutter/tailor.3

In August, 1875, Ada and her family moved to Otago on the ship Omeo, which dropped them at Bluff Harbour, her father John’s occupation on the ship’s records was listed as ‘Miner’ 4 but it seems as though he soon got back into his work as a Tailor, partnering with a James Kim in Balclutha. 5 The family spent two years in the Clutha region before settling in Invercargill, where Ada’s father established his own business as a merchant tailor.3

The Ship Omeo which brought the Geddes’ from Melbourne to New Zealand
Passenger List for the Ship Omeo - 9th Sept 1875

At the end of the school year in 1880, at the age of ~9, Ada was in the prize list of her school, my interpretation of it is that she came second in her class, but I will copy the newspaper clipping below.6

Ada comes second in her class - Southland Times, 17 December 1880


Ada was quite a well-known singer throughout Southland and Otago, and was known as The Nightingale of Southland! Her performances were commonly noted in the papers. In 1879, at the age of ~8, Ada was awarded a prize for a recital she gave at a soiree concert in East Invercargill.7

Ada wins a prize for a recital, Southland Times, 8 August 1879

In April 1895, when Ada was ~24, some advertisements were published in the newspapers for two concerts, one for the Hutton Family Company in the Public Hall of Dunedin,8 and one for the Hibernian Society in Oamaru.9

Concert Advertisements, The Oamaru Mail, 6th and 10th of April, 1895

However it seems as though the Hutton Family Concert had never arranged for her to perform, and the Secretary of the Hibernian Society took to the papers to address this “misrepresentation extraordinary”10 11

Misrepresentation Extraordinary - Oamaru Mail, 10th/13th April 1895

Ada did not end up performing for the Hutton Family, but the Hibernian Society Concert ran beautifully and Ada was reviewed well.12

Ada’s Oamaru Concert Review - North Otago Times, 16 April 1895

Marriage & Daughter

On the 1st of April 1896, Ada, now ~25, married Daniel Blue, now ~28, in the First Presbyterian Church in Invercargill. The marriage was performed by Reverend J. Gibson Smith assisted by Reverend William White (who was the Reverend from Daniel’s church in Wallacetown).13 Daniel was a musician/violin teacher, the eldest of the ten children of John Blue and Helen Blue (née Strang), born on the 13th of June, 1868 in Waianiwa, Southland, New Zealand.14

Ada & Daniel Blue Wedding Announcement - Southern Cross, 25 April, 1896

Ada had her sister Ethel Geddes and one of Daniel’s sisters Ethel Blue, serving as her bridesmaids, and Daniel had a Mr John Blue and Mr J. G. McDougall serving as groomsmen. The wedding was well documented in all the local papers,15 I couldn’t just pick one because they were all really cute, so I have copied three of the four write-ups here:

Ada’s Wedding - Southland Times, 2 April, 1896
Ada & Daniel’s Wedding - Mataura Ensign, 2 April, 1896
Blue-Geddes Wedding - Southern Cross, 4 April 1896

Ada and Daniel had a daughter in July 1897 named Mavis Germaine Blue, in Invercargill, New Zealand.16 Mavis was Ada and Daniel’s only child, and according to her probate, she died a spinster.17

More Music

There were many reports of Ada performing at parties and concerts,18 some of the songs she sang were: ‘The Wind and the Harp’, ‘The Scottish Emigrant’,19 ‘Prince Charlie’s Lament’, ‘Here’s a health to Fair Scotland’, ‘The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond’, ‘Lochnagar’,20 ‘Kilarney so Fair’,21 ‘Cam ye by Athol’, ‘My Faithful Fair One’,22 ‘Life’s Lullaby’,23 ‘What Might Have Been’, ‘Aileen Mavoureen’,24 ‘Alla Stella Confidente’,25 ‘Come unto him’, ‘I know that my redeemer giveth’,26 ‘The better land’,27 ‘Scotland Yet’, ‘Pibroch o’ Donuil Dhu’,28 ‘I couldn’t, could I?',29 ‘The Prima Donna’,30 ‘The Earl of Old Gaul’,31 ‘The Heavenly Song’,32 ‘Love the Pedlar’,33 ‘Hurrah for the Thistle’,34 ‘Dear Heart’, ‘Venetia’,35 ‘Beyond’ by E. St. Quentin,36 and ‘Hear Ye Israel’.37 Ada and Daniel also performed the accompanying music to dance lessons,38 and Ada also gave singing lessons.39

Ada and Daniel also provided the music for dance classes - Southland Times, 16 April 1896

In 1896, the newly wed Ada played the lead female role of Germaine in the opera ‘Les Cloches de Cornevilles’ (The Chimes of Normandy) performed by the Invercargill Amateur Operatic Company.40 I wonder if this is where the inspiration for her daughter’s middle name (Mavis Germaine Blue) came from.

Ada plays Germaine in Les Cloches de Corneville - Southern Cross, 29 August 1896
Ada plays Germaine in Les Cloches de Corneville - Southern Cross, 5 September 1896

Ada plays Jessie Brown - 1898.41

Ada plays the lead in Jessie Brown, of the Relief of Lucknow - Southland Times, 5 January 1898
Ada plays the lead in Jessie Brown, of the Relief of Lucknow, Review - Southland Times, 5 January 1898

The Southern Cross newspaper had a column called ‘Linda’s Letter to her Country Cousin’ outlining some goings on in Invercargill - and Ada featured in it a few times.42

Linda describes Ada’s performances - Southern Cross, 7 May/11 June, 1898

In October 1898, Ada played the role of Rose Maybud in the Invercargill Amateur Operatic Society’s rendition of Gilbert and Sullivan’s opera Ruddigore.43

Ada played Rose Maybud in Ruddigore - Otago Witness, 13 October 1898
Ada played Rose Maybud in Ruddigore - Southern Cross, 15 October 1898

In 1900, Ada and Mavis travelled to Melbourne, where Ada took lessons with Madame Miranda - who was considered the most successful singing teacher in the colonies.44 They arrived back into Bluff Harbour on the 23rd of July 1900 on the ship Mokoia.45 Reviews suggest her singing was considerably improved after her return.46

Ada and Mavis return from Melbourne - The Southland Times, 2 August 1900
Ada and Mavis arrive in Bluff Harbour - The Southland Times, 24 July 1900
After her training in Melbourne Ada’s singing improved - The Southland Times, 3 November 1900

After returning from Melbourne, Ada updated her ads for singing lessons:47

Ada’s new Ad for Singing Lessons - The Southland Times, 2 August 1900

In November 1900, Ada played the role of Erl King’s Daughter in the musical of the same name.48

Ada plays the Erl King’s Daughter - Southern Cross, 10 November 1900

In December 1900, Ada played Joan in a Gore Musical Society production of Joan of Arc.49

Ada plays Joan of Arc - Mataura Ensign, 13 December 1900
Someone didn’t enjoy himself. - Mataura Ensign, 21 February 1901

In August, 1901, Ada missed performing for the Southland Caledonian Society due to a bout of influenza.50 But she had recovered by the end of the month, giving a performance of ‘The Highlanders’ on the 30th of August in Ashely’s Hall on Esk St.51

Ada took ill with a bout of influenza - The Southland Times, 9 August 1901

In November 1902 the Invercargill Musical Union put on the Erl King’s Daughter again - with Ada playing the lead once more.52

Ada revisits her role as the Erl King’s Daughter - The Southland Times, 4 November 1902
A review of Ada’s the Erl King’s Daughter - Southern Cross, 8 November 1902

In January of 1903, Mrs Blue advertised a vacancy for a good Infant’s Attendant to help her with Mavis while she worked.53

In April, 1903, a “Burns Evening” (as in Robert Burns) was held in the Temperance Hall of Invercargill in which a series of slides of the “Burns Country” were shown by a Mr. R. Dunlop and Burns’ songs were sung by our Mrs. Ada Blue. Ada sang ‘There was a lad born in Kyle” and “Highland Mary”.54

Burns Night - The Southland Times, 29 April 1903

In July of 1903, a report on the annual social of the Caledonian Society of Southland said “Mrs. Blue, without whom a Caledonian concert would resemble Hamlet minus the Prince, sang “Scotland Yet” with all her wonted spirit, responding to a demand for an encore with “Loch Lomond”."55

Ada’s performance at the Scotch Night - Southern Cross, 4 July 1903

In July 1903, Ada performed in an Orchestral Concert put on by the Invercargill Musical Union, in which she was crowned the May Queen and sang McFarren’s “May Day”.56

Invercargill Musical Union Orchestral Concert - The Southland Times, 24 July 1903

In March of 1906 the Society of Musicians of Southland was registered, and Ada was listed as one of the original Council members.57

Society of Musicians of Southland - Southern Cross, 24 March 1906

Husband Daniel Blue’s Death

Shortly after the birth of their first child, is seems that Daniel’s health took a turn, a notice in the paper reported that he was advised by his doctor to travel north for the winter to ‘recruit his health’.58 Ada and her daughter Mabel stayed in Invercargill, living with Ada’s parents John and Martha Geddes in Jackson Street, East Invercargill.59

Daniel Travels North due to Ill Health - Southern Cross, 19 February 1898

Sadly, it seems Daniel took ill with an “affection of the lungs”, his obituary stated that “he struggled bravely against the in-roads of ill-health, but gradually weakened until the end came”.60 Daniel died at his mother’s house in Oamaru on the 10/11th of December, 1906.61

Daniel Blue’s Death Notice - North Otago Times, 13 December 1906
Daniel Blue’s Obituary - Southern Cross, 15 December 1906

Daniel is buried alongside his parents, and his two siblings Jessie and Samuel Blue (who died in infancy) in the Wallacetown Cemetery in Southland, Location 14 Old Cemetery.62

Daniel Blue’s Burial Record

After Daniel’s death, a notice was published several times in the local paper regarding what seems to be a lost life insurance policy, though I would love to hear your interpretation of it, as I am not 100 % confident I understand it.63

Lost Life Insurance Policy - The Southland Times, 4/5/12/18th April 1907

Moving back to Australia

After Daniel’s death, it appears that Ada and her daughter Mavis moved back to Australia. Their friends threw them a large farewell party at which over a hundred people were present! Ada naturally treated her guests to a song.64 Ada and Mavis travelled to Melbourne on the ship Moeraki, arriving on the 25th of April, 1908, There were also two Geddes passengers aged 48 and 36, though those ages don’t match her parents, and I can’t pick who they might be.65

Ada’s friends throw her a leaving Party - The Southland Times, 16 March 1908
Ada and Mavis travel to Melbourne on the ship Moeraki - Victoria Passenger List Records

Once in Melbourne, Ada and Mabel lived at 184 Amess Street, North Carlton, Victoria, Australia.66 In ~1915/1916 Ada and Mabel moved into her parent’s new Melbourne residence, 35 Hartpury Ave, Balaclava, Victoria.67


Ada passed away on the 10th of June, 1917 in Victoria, Australia.68 Ada is buried alongside her parents John Haining Geddes and Martha Geddes (née Mirk) in the Presbyterian A Plot, Grave 904 in Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery in Moreland City, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.69

Ada’s Gravestone - Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery, Coburg, Moreland City, Victoria, Australia


  1. Ada’s Birth Registration: Australia, Births and Baptisms, 1792-1981; FHL Number: 17392 ↩︎

  2. Ada’s Baptism Registration: Australia, Births and Baptisms, 1792-1981; FHL Number: 993794 ↩︎

  3. Information about Ada’s father, John Haining Geddes: Cyclopedia Company Limited, The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts], The Cyclopedia Company, Limited, 1905, Christchurch, Drapers, Clothiers, etc. ↩︎

  4. “Australia, Victoria, Outward Passenger Lists, 1852-1924,” database, FamilySearch ( : 7 February 2017), 1875 > image 613 of 873, GS Film #: 000352108, Digital Folder #: 007782304, Image #: 00888; citing Public Record Office Victoria, North Melbourne. ↩︎

  5. John dissolves partnership with James Kim - ; Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 162, 17 August 1877, Page 4 ; Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  6. Ada comes second in her class: Southland Times, Issue 3898, 17 December 1880, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  7. Ada’s Recital Prize: Southland Times, Issue 3473, 8 August 1879, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  8. Oamaru Mail, Volume XX, Issue 6225, 6 April 1895, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  9. Oamaru Mail, Volume XX, Issue 6228, 10 April 1895, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  10. Oamaru Mail, Volume XX, Issue 6228, 10 April 1895, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  11. Oamaru Mail, Volume XX, Issue 6230, 13 April 1895, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  12. Ada’s Oamaru Concert Review - North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8161, 16 April 1895, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 3, Issue 3, 20 April 1895, Page 8 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  13. Marriage notices - Southland Times, Issue 13434, 21 April 1896, Page 2; Mataura Ensign, Issue 126, 21 April 1896, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 4, 25 April 1896, Page 8 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  14. Daniel Blue’s birth record can be ordered from BDM Historical Records - birth registration # 1868/36432. ↩︎

  15. Wedding write-ups: Southland Times, Issue 13419, 2 April 1896, Page 2; Mataura Ensign, Issue 118, 2 April 1896, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 1, 4 April 1896, Page 9; Otago Witness, Issue 2197, 9 April 1896, Page 42 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  16. Mavis Germaine Blue’s birth record can be ordered from BDM Historical Records - birth registration # 1897/10990. ↩︎

  17. Mavis Germaine Blue’s Probate registration: Public Record Office Victoria; North Melbourne, Victoria; Victorian Wills, Probate and Administration Records 1841-1925; Series: VPRS 7591 ↩︎

  18. Concerts featuring Mr &/or Mrs. Blue: Southland Times, Issue 13446, 5 May 1896, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 13456, 16 May 1896, Page 2; Western Star, Issue 2112, 20 May 1896, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 8, 23 May 1896, Page 8; Southland Times, Issue 13483, 17 June 1896, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 13494, 30 June 1896, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 24, 12 September 1896, Page 5; Otago Witness, Issue 2220, 17 September 1896, Page 30; Southland Times, Issue 13643, 4 January 1897, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 13659, 22 January 1897, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 13661, 25 January 1897, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 42, 30 January 1897, Page 8; Southland Times, Issue 13672, 6 February 1897, Page 2; Clutha Leader, Volume XXIII, Issue 1180, 12 February 1897, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 23, 11 September 1897, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 23, 11 September 1897, Page 12; Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2180, 29 October 1897, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 30, 30 October 1897, Page 8; Western Star, Issue 2152, 30 October 1897, Page 7; Mataura Ensign, Issue 355, 30 October 1897, Page 3; Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2181, 5 November 1897, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 31, 6 November 1897, Page 7; Mataura Ensign, Issue 358, 6 November 1897, Page 3; Mataura Ensign, Issue 359, 9 November 1897, Page 3; Western Star, Issue 2155, 10 November 1897, Page 2 (Supplement); Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 32, 13 November 1897, Page 9; Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 41, 15 January 1898, Page 9; Southland Times, Issue 13959, 26 January 1898, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 13966, 3 February 1898, Page 3; Otago Witness, Issue 2327, 6 October 1898, Page 34; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 26, 8 October 1898, Page 7; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 22, 26 August 1899, Page 7; Mataura Ensign, Issue 657, 4 November 1899, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 41, 6 January 1900, Page 11; Southland Times, Issue 14713, 4 August 1900, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 19, 11 August 1900, Page 12; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 20, 18 August 1900, Page 11; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 22, 1 September 1900, Page 12; Western Star, 1 September 1900, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14757, 28 September 1900, Page 2; Western Star, 27 October 1900, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14783, 29 October 1900, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 14785, 31 October 1900, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 14785, 31 October 1900, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14786, 1 November 1900, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14787, 2 November 1900, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 14787, 2 November 1900, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 34, 15 December 1900, Page 5; Southland Times, Issue 14815, 17 December 1900, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 14815, 17 December 1900, Page 3; Mataura Ensign, Issue 842, 19 January 1901, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14855, 26 January 1901, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 14855, 26 January 1901, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14856, 28 January 1901, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 15034, 31 August 1901, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 9, Issue 23, 7 September 1901, Page 12; Mataura Ensign, Issue 943, 10 September 1901, Page 3; Mataura Ensign, Issue 944, 12 September 1901, Page 3; Mataura Ensign, Issue 946, 17 September 1901, Page 2; Mataura Ensign, Issue 946, 17 September 1901, Page 3; Mataura Ensign, Issue 947, 19 September 1901, Page 5; Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 15062, 4 October 1901, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 15076, 23 October 1901, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 9, Issue 30, 26 October 1901, Page 11; Otago Witness, Issue 2485, 30 October 1901, Page 80; Southland Times, Issue 15083, 1 November 1901, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 16052, 2 June 1902, Page 4; Southland Times, Issue 16053, 3 June 1902, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 10, 7 June 1902, Page 11; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 16, 19 July 1902, Page 7; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 17, 26 July 1902, Page 7; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 19, 9 August 1902, Page 12; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 21, 23 August 1902, Page 11; Otago Witness, Issue 2631, 17 September 1902, Page 61; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 26, 27 September 1902, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 28, 11 October 1902, Page 9; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 30, 25 October 1902, Page 12; Southland Times, Issue 17079, 30 October 1902, Page 4; Southland Times, Issue 17080, 31 October 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 17081, 1 November 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 17082, 3 November 1902, Page 3; Otago Witness, Issue 2539, 12 November 1902, Page 65; Southland Times, Issue 17091, 13 November 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 17092, 14 November 1902, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 18013, 8 December 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 18014, 9 December 1902, Page 3; Mataura Ensign, Issue 1169, 14 April 1903, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19087, 1 July 1903, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 11, Issue 16, 18 July 1903, Page 9; Southland Times, Issue 19102, 20 July 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19103, 21 July 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19104, 22 July 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19105, 23 July 1903, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19105, 23 July 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19138, 31 August 1903, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19138, 31 August 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19140, 2 September 1903, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 11, Issue 25, 19 September 1903, Page 7; Southland Times, Issue 19167, 3 October 1903, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19193, 3 November 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19194, 4 November 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19228, 15 December 1903, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 12, Issue 16, 16 July 1904, Page 9; Otago Daily Times, Issue 13187, 21 January 1905, Page 2; Otago Witness, Issue 2654, 25 January 1905, Page 59; Southern Cross, Volume 13, Issue 13, 24 June 1905, Page 12; Otago Witness, Issue 2677, 5 July 1905, Page 65; Southern Cross, Volume 13, Issue 16, 15 July 1905, Page 9; Southern Cross, Volume 13, Issue 20, 12 August 1905, Page 10; Southland Times, Volume 07, Issue 19681, 7 October 1905, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19722, 24 January 1906, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19799, 19 April 1906, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19803, 24 April 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19804, 25 April 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19805, 26 April 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19854, 23 June 1906, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  19. Methodist Church Concert - Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 9, 30 May 1896, Page 8 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  20. New Year’s Concert 1896/7 - Southland Times, Issue 13642, 2 January 1897, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  21. Performance for the Invercargill Literary and Debating Society - Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 22, 4 September 1897, Page 5 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  22. Highland Society of Southland Performance: Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 33, 20 November 1897, Page 12 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  23. First Church Concert - Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 36, 11 December 1897, Page 5 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  24. Hibernian Easter Monday Concert Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7182, 9 April 1898, Page 3; Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7183, 11 April 1898, Page 3; North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9174, 11 April 1898, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  25. First Church Concert 1898 - Southland Times, Issue 14039, 30 April 1898, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 6, Issue 5, 7 May 1898, Page 11 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  26. Messiah Oratoria Otago Witness, Issue 2336, 8 December 1898, Page 43; Southern Cross, Volume 6, Issue 35, 10 December 1898, Page 7; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 38, 16 December 1899, Page 5 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  27. Southland Times, Issue 14285, 28 February 1899, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  28. Highland Society of Soulthland Concert 1900 Southland Times, 10 August 1900, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  29. Adam’s Hall Concert 1900: Mataura Ensign, Issue 833, 27 December 1900, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  30. Theatre Royal, March 1902: Southland Times, Issue 15183, 13 March 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 15184, 14 March 1902, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 9, Issue 52, 15 March 1902, Page 12; Southland Times, Issue 15186, 17 March 1902, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 9, Issue 53, 22 March 1902, Page 5 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  31. The Highland Society Concert, December 1902: Southland Times, Issue 18015, 10 December 1902, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  32. St. Paul’s Organ Recital 1903: Southland Times, Issue 19012, 3 April 1903, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  33. LOL Sons of Levi Concert: Southland Times, Issue 19098, 14 July 1903, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 11, Issue 16, 18 July 1903, Page 12 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  34. Highland Society Gathering 1903: Southland Times, Issue 19116, 5 August 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19117, 6 August 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19118, 7 August 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19120, 10 August 1903, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  35. Pioneer of Southland Lodge 25th Anniversary concert: Southland Times, Issue 19228, 15 December 1903, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 11, Issue 38, 19 December 1903, Page 10; Southern Cross, Volume 12, Issue 16, 16 July 1904, Page 7 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  36. Cantata & Misc Concert: Southland Times, Issue 19806, 27 April 1906, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  37. Grand Christmas Concert 1907: Southland Times, Issue 12010, 14 December 1907, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 12011, 16 December 1907, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 12012, 17 December 1907, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 15, Issue 35, 21 December 1907, Page 10; Otago Witness, Issue 2806, 25 December 1907, Page 51 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  38. Ada and Daniel working accompanying dancing lessons Southland Times, Issue 13428, 14 April 1896, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 13429, 15 April 1896, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 13430, 16 April 1896, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  39. Ada’s ads for singing lessons: Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 45, 12 February 1898, Page 12; Southland Times, Issue 14711, 2 August 1900, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 14712, 3 August 1900, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 18, 4 August 1900, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 18, 4 August 1900, Page 8; Southland Times, Issue 14860, 1 February 1901, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 41, 2 February 1901, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 41, 2 February 1901, Page 11; Southland Times, Issue 15152, 24 January 1902, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 15152, 24 January 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 15156, 29 January 1902, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 18055, 27 January 1903, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 18055, 27 January 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 18056, 28 January 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 18057, 29 January 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 18058, 30 January 1903, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 18059, 31 January 1903, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 12, Issue 43, 21 January 1905, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 12, Issue 43, 21 January 1905, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 12, Issue 44, 28 January 1905, Page 7; Southern Cross, Volume 13, Issue 44, 27 January 1906, Page 8; Southern Cross, Volume 13, Issue 44, 27 January 1906, Page 8; Southland Times, Issue 19725, 27 January 1906, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19725, 27 January 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19726, 29 January 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19727, 30 January 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19728, 31 January 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19729, 1 February 1906, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  40. Ada plays Germaine in Les Cloches de Corneville: Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 22, 29 August 1896, Page 12; Southern Cross, Volume 4, Issue 23, 5 September 1896, Page 11 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  41. Ada plays Jessie Brown: Southland Times, Issue 13941, 5 January 1898, Page 3 Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 40, 8 January 1898, Page 7 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  42. Linda’s column: Southern Cross, Volume 6, Issue 5, 7 May 1898, Page 11; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 9, 11 June 1898, Page 7; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 26, 8 October 1898, Page 11 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  43. Ada plays Rose Maybud in Ruddigore: Otago Witness, Issue 2328, 13 October 1898, Page 30; Southern Cross, Volume 7, Issue 27, 15 October 1898, Page 8 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  44. Ada returns from Melbourne: Southland Times, Issue 14711, 2 August 1900, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  45. Ada arrives back from Melbourne 1900: Southland Times, Issue 14703, 24 July 1900, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  46. Ada’s skills improved after her Melbourne training: Southland Times, Issue 14788, 3 November 1900, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  47. Southland Times, Issue 14711, 2 August 1900, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  48. Erl King’s Daughter 1900: Southern Cross, Volume 8, Issue 30, 10 November 1900, Page 7 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  49. Joan of Arc: Mataura Ensign, Issue 828, 13 December 1900, Page 2; Mataura Ensign, Issue 856, 21 February 1901, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  50. Ada takes ill with influenza: Southland Times, Issue 15016, 9 August 1901, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  51. Ada sings at a concert in Ashley’s Hall Southland Times, Issue 15033, 30 August 1901, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  52. The Erl King’s Daughter, November 1902 Southland Times, Issue 17083, 4 November 1902, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 10, Issue 31, 8 November 1902, Page 7; Otago Witness, Issue 2539, 12 November 1902, Page 48 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  53. Ad for an infant’s assistant, 1903: Evening Star, Issue 11776, 5 January 1903, Page 5 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  54. Burns Night, April 1903: Southland Times, Issue 19032, 28 April 1903, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 19033, 29 April 1903, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  55. 1903, Caledonian Society of Southland, Annual Social: Southern Cross, Volume 11, Issue 14, 4 July 1903, Page 7 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  56. May Queen performance, Invercargill Musical Union: Southland Times, Issue 19106, 24 July 1903, Page 2; Southern Cross, Volume 11, Issue 17, 25 July 1903, Page 9 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  57. Southland Times, Issue 19768, 19 March 1906, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 19771, 22 March 1906, Page 3; Southern Cross, Volume 13, Issue 52, 24 March 1906, Page 7; Southland Times, Issue 19773, 24 March 1906, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  58. Daniel travels north due to ill health - Southern Cross, Volume 5, Issue 46, 19 February 1898, Page 9 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  59. New Zealand, Electoral Rolls, 1853-1981: 1900 and 1905/6 ↩︎

  60. Daniel Blue’s obituary - Southern Cross, Volume 14, Issue 42, 15 December 1906, Page 8 - 3rd paragraph from the bottom - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  61. Daniel Blue’s Death Notice - North Otago Times, 13 December 1906, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 10911, 12 December 1906, Page 2; Southland Times, Issue 10911, 13 December 1906, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  62. Daniel Blue’s Burial Record - New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated; Auckland, New Zealand; New Zealand Cemetery Records, Wallacetown Cemetery Old, #14; ↩︎

  63. Lost Life Insurance Policy - Daniel Blue - Southland Times, Issue 10905, 4 April 1907, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 10906, 5 April 1907, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 10912, 12 April 1907, Page 3; Southland Times, Issue 10917, 18 April 1907, Page 3 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  64. Ada & Mavis’ Leaving Party: Southland Times, Issue 12084, 16 March 1908, Page 2 - Papers Past, the National Library of New Zealand ↩︎

  65. Victoria, Australia, Assisted and Unassisted Passenger Lists, 1839-1923 Series: VPRS 13439; Series Title: Inward Overseas Passenger Lists (New Zealand Ports) [Microfiche Copy of VPRS 947] ↩︎

  66. Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980, years 1909, 1912, 1913, & 1914 ↩︎

  67. Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980, years 1916 & 1917 ↩︎

  68. Ada’s death record: The Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Victoria, Australia, Death Records, Reference Number 6685 ↩︎

  69. Burial record: ; ↩︎
